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Deprecated: Function utf8_decode() is deprecated in /home/www/DZIR/ on line 136 Deprecated: Function utf8_decode() is deprecated in /home/www/DZIR/ on line 136
ID Project Due In Version Category Task Type Severity Summary Status Progress Assigned To
64DZIRCMS3.0.0CoreOptimizationLowPHPMailer: Upgrade to newest versionAssigned
Spider IT Task Description

<p>PHPMailer: Upgrade to newest version</p>

57DZIRCMS3.0.0CoreEnhancementLowUpdater: Implement an updater, which can update on clic...Assigned
Spider IT Task Description

Implement a system updater, which can, by setting, either update the system on mouse click, or completely automatic at a set daytime.
The automatic update functionality must be restricted to either the primary or secondary version number (2.x.x or 2.0.x).

6DZIRCMS3.0.0BackendFeature RequestLowPresets for client settings Assigned
Spider IT Task Description

I often use the same entries for client settings. It would be helpful if often used ones could be added via click. Examples:
… (Markus Hübner (mchubi))

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