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ID Category Task Type Severity Summary  desc Status Progress
115BackendBug ReportLowUser Rights: User with set rights should be able to giv...New
Task Description

<p>User Rights: User with set rights should be able to give other (new) users same rights:;t=36469&amp;view=unread&amp;sid=7c63b5108740416edb6159e211c9d66f#p167847</p>

16BackendBug ReportLowUploadfolders deleted with FTP are still in db-tableNew
Task Description

<p>If you delete a folder using ftp it isn’t deleted in db. For files you have to call the folder in filemanager, but if you also delete the folder that cannot work.<br/>We have to check if we can enhance the checks in filemanager to check for missing folders.</p><p>Also we have to remember that for the new version of filemanager.</p><p>see con forum;t=32693</p>

17CoreFeature RequestLowUpgrade TinyMCE to newest versionNew
Task Description

<p> • check for usefull plugins</p>

57CoreEnhancementLowUpdater: Implement an updater, which can update on clic...Assigned
Task Description

Implement a system updater, which can, by setting, either update the system on mouse click, or completely automatic at a set daytime.
The automatic update functionality must be restricted to either the primary or secondary version number (2.x.x or 2.0.x).

106BackendOptimizationLowTinyMCE: Show editor in popup or inline and save throug...New
Task Description

<p>On using TinyMCE, the backend pageneeds to reload on opening and saving.<br/>By showing the editor in a popup (or inline, we already have a small one there) and saving through Ajax (and updating the page content), work gets easier and faster because the need to scroll down again to get to the next working position is minimized.</p>

93CoreFeature RequestLowTemplate switcherNew
Task Description

Implement the possibility to redesign a website without showing changes live or working in a copy of the website.


  • use a new “dummy client” and takeover the changes on button press.
  • create a layouts folder and move the design stuff (css, images, js, …) in there in a subfolder per design (we’ll have to save the layouts and templates as files then), then create a backend select field to switch the design at will.

Either case, we need a url parameter to switch to an inactive design for testing purposes.

29CoreRecodingLowSwitch from MySQL and MySQLi to PDONew
Task Description

<p>Be sure to add some kind of query checker which makes the queries database independant (for example strip &quot;TYPE=MYISAM&quot;).</p>

12BackendFeature RequestLowSupport for transparent PNGs (resizing in file manager)New
Task Description

<p>Show thumbnails with transparency</p>

34CoreEnhancementLowShow template description in category and article confi...New
Task Description

<p>The textarea from the template configuration should be shown in the category and article configuration.</p>

13BackendOptimizationLowShow messages with position: fixedNew
Task Description

<p>Show all messages and questions (&quot;Are you sure…&quot;) in the backend with style position: fixed; so that they definitely are visible for the user without the need to scroll up first.<br/>(Steffen (derSteffen))</p>

20BackendFeature RequestLowShow inuse files in file manager on requestNew
Task Description

<p>In the file manager, add a button which will show, for the current folder, which of the files are in use.<br/>We will have to check for CMS-Types (like CMS_IMG) as well as article content (over the database?).<br/>This is needed for the ability to delete old, no longer used files.</p><p>In addition, we might also check per file on a delete request, if not already checked through the button.</p>

26CoreOptimizationLowRearrange the class files into a new structureNew
Task Description

<p>Build a new hierarchical structure for class files in /drugcns/classes and arrange the class files into it.</p><p>First thoughts are (please add thoughts):<br/>/drugcms<br/>-&gt; /classes<br/>-&gt; -&gt; /abstract<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /html5<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /template<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /parser.php -&gt; class clAbstractTemplateParser()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; /backend<br/>-&gt; -&gt; /common<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /content<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /article.php -&gt; class Article()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /template_config.php - class TemplateConfig()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /security<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /generic<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /db.php -&gt; class GenericDB()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /template<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /counter_function_parser.php -&gt; class clCounterFunctionParser()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /if_function_parser.php -&gt; class clIfFunctionParser()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /str_api_function_parser.php -&gt; class clAtrApiFunctionParser()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /template.php -&gt; class Template()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; /frontend<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /output<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /compressor.php -&gt; class OutputCompressor()<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /groups.php -&gt; class<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /logic.php -&gt; class<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /permissions.php -&gt; class<br/>-&gt; -&gt; -&gt; /users.php -&gt; class</p>

53CoreFeature RequestLowPreview: Add options to view the page in different size...New
Task Description

<p>Add options to the preview area which change the size of the viewport to emulate mobile devices.<br/>Offer known sizes with device names (iPhone 5, Galaxy Note 3, …) as well as free width and height entry fields.<br/>This makes it easier for authors to see what the page would look like on those devices, which reduces responsive sites with non-responsive contents.</p><p>Suggestion:;t=34999.</p>

6BackendFeature RequestLowPresets for client settings Assigned
Task Description

I often use the same entries for client settings. It would be helpful if often used ones could be added via click. Examples:
… (Markus Hübner (mchubi))

35BackendFeature RequestLowPosibility to move files in file managerNew
Task Description

<p></p><p>One should be able to move files in the file manager.<br/>Needed functionality for this:<br/>- move the file in the file system<br/>- correct the path in the database table con_upl<br/>Articles using the file through modules aren’t infected, because they only save the id of the entry in con_upl.<br/>Only articles using the file inside the TinyMCE editor will have a problem.<br/>For this case, we should consider correcting those paths too, or showing a warning message on trying to move the file.</p>

64CoreOptimizationLowPHPMailer: Upgrade to newest versionAssigned
Task Description

<p>PHPMailer: Upgrade to newest version</p>

27BackendEnhancementLowOptimize category rearrangement with drop buttonsNew
Task Description

<p>Currently, after clicking the &quot;move tree&quot; button, one can only &quot;drop&quot; it in another category, where it will show up as the last subcategory, and one must move it up until it reaches it&#039;s desired position, which takes some time on large websites.<br/>In future, after clicking the &quot;move tree&quot; button, we will show &quot;drop&quot; buttons before and after each other category, so one can drop the moved tree in the right position right away.</p>

15CoreBug ReportLowOld sessions are not deleted if conlib uses file contai...New
Task Description

<p>see contenido forum;t=32660</p>

102CoreBug ReportLowLink target select window: categories are not marked, f...New
Task Description

<p>On inserting a link in TinyMCE and opening the target select window, in this window&#039;s left pane folders stay marked as active while categories never get marked.</p>

76CoreEnhancementLowFile system: nameable folder to hide system from visito...New
Task Description

<p>Create a folder named &quot;system&quot; in which the system files and folders get moved.<br/>Only the client folder(s) remain in root.<br/>The new folder must be renamed on setup, so only the sysadmin knows it&#039;s name.<br/>In this folder, there must be a .htaccess which routes to the /&lt;new folder&gt;/drugcms/ folder.<br/>The drugCMS backend then is reachable only by entering this folder&#039;s name after the domain.<br/>CAUTION: The client&#039;s config.php file needs to be altered as well!</p><p>As the setup folder get&#039;s moved into this new folder too, setup has to change it&#039;s address on the renaming process in order to continue.</p><p>On (cross-)upgrading from drugCMS 2.0.x/Contenido 4.6.x and 4.8.x, we have to remove the old system folders and files, as they are not within this new folder.<br/>And in this situation the sysadmin (who does the upgrade) also has to enter a new name for this folder, except if he removed it and moved the contained system files and folders back to root (he might already work with a subdomain for the backend).</p>

28BackendEnhancementLowExchange modules in templates in the article configurat...New
Task Description

<p>Make it possible to exchange modules in the article&#039;s template configuration.<br/>This makes it much easier for authors to &quot;design&quot; their articles.<br/>But for this, there must be an option with the templates (style -&gt; templates) with each container to lock and/or hide it from the article configuration.</p>

38BackendEnhancementLowEnable login from external pageNew
Task Description

<p>Recode the login form and code to get the session key ($contenido) after the login process.<br/>As for now, the session key ist in the login form, which makes it impossible to login through an automated script.</p>

7BackendFeature RequestLowdeleting articles in overviewNew
Task Description

If you have a categorie filled with many articles - e.g. for a newslist - and you want to delete several articles, you have to do that one by one. It would be quite useful, if there’d be the possibility to select those articles via checkboxes - like it is in filemanagement - and, after confirmation of course ;o) - delete them at one step.
(Markus Hübner (mchubi))

23BackendRecodingLowCreate a new backend without frames in HTML5 / CSS3 / j...New
Task Description

<p>Rebuild the backend with a new look-and-feel.</p>

121BackendEnhancementLowCategories: Add an option to delete contained articles ...New
Task Description

<p>Add an option to delete contained articles and sub-categories on deleting a category.<br/>Delete, if set, through this tree step by step, first deleting all articles in the deepest category, then deleting that category.<br/>Repeat this way up until the selected category is empty and then delete it, finishing the job.</p>

69BackendFeature RequestLowCategories/Articles: Add option to show names in prefer...New
112CoreEnhancementLowBackend Login: Restrict attemptsNew
21BackendFeature RequestLowarticle-overview: page selecting and sorting of article...New
85CoreOptimizationLowArticle properties: Hide categories the user may not ac...New
33BackendFeature RequestLowAdmin option to hide module-config-areas from authorsNew
37CoreEnhancementLowAdd more languagesNew
Showing tasks 1 - 31 of 31 Page 1 of 1

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